Wegen Sturm Seilbahn heute 14.09.2024 nicht in Betrieb. Weitere Meldungen zum Fahrbetrieb am Sonntag 15.09.2024 folgen. Tel. +49 (0) 80 23 / 782
Tagesfahrplan heute 14.09.24, nicht in Betrieb wegen Schneeverwehungen Strecke, Weitere Meldungen zum Fahrbetrieb am Sonntag 15.09.2024 folgen. Tel.: +49 (0) 8034 308-110. Parkplatz kostenlos. Lademöglichkeit für E-Autos.
geschlossen, Tel.: 08023/404
geschlossen, Tel.: 08034/707458
geschlossen wegen Schnee
geschlossen wegen Schnee
gesperrt, wegen Felssturz
other Information:
Bitte stets Tagesfahrplan beachten, täglich neu ab ca. 8:30 Uhr.
Brunchveranstaltung für Sonntag 15.09.2024 witterungsbedingt abgesagt
The red and white Bavarian Broadcasting mast can be seen from afar and has become the unmistakable landmark of the 1,838-metre high Wendelstein. The radio transmitter on the Wendelstein is Germany’s highest main network transmitter and has been providing almost all of Upper Bavaria with essential TV images and radio programmes since 1954. With its exceptional range, the Wendelstein transmitter plays a key role for TV and radio coverage throughout Southern Bavaria.
The transmitter mast has been a stately 60 metres tall since 2005. A spectacular helicopter operation saw the obsolete analogue technology removed and replaced by digital technology. The aerial has since transmitted TV programmes with improved image quality. The technical upgrade on the Wendelstein also brought with it a higher number of TV programmes.
However, the majority of the technology is located in the monitoring and control centre, some 100 metres below the summit. This is where the everything comes together for the entire Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation transmission network.