Visibility: 100 km
Mostly cloudy
Total snow height: 73 cm Messstation Soin
Mountain - 12°C
Valley 0 °C
heute 13.01.25 in Betrieb, Berg- und Talfahrten ab 9:15 Uhr halbstündlich, letzte Talfahrt 16:00 Uhr, Tel. +49 (0) 8023 / 782. Rückerstattung der Parkgebühr bei Kauf eines Bergbahntickets
heute 13.01.25 in Betrieb, Bergfahrten 10:00 /12:00 und 14:00 Uhr, Talfahrten 10:55 / 13:25 letzte Talfahrt 16:00 Uhr, Tel.: +49 (0) 8034 / 308-110. Parkplatz kostenlos. Lademöglichkeit für E-Autos.
offen, Tel.: 08023/404
geschlossen, Gaststätte zu verpachten unter Tel. 08034/3080
geschlossen, Schneemangel
geschlossen, Schneemangel
other Information:
Bitte stets Tagesfahrplan beachten, täglich neu ab ca. 8:30 Uhr.
Skiabfahrten wegen Schneemangel geschlossen
Avalanche Situation:
The remaining 100 metres of altitude from the mountain station to the summit are definitely a "must” for visitors to the Wendelstein. Once reached, the summit rewards you with a magnificent 360° panoramic view. The summit cross is also located on the viewing platform, as is the small St. Wendelin’s Chapel, the Summit Book and the University Observatory. The ascent along the well-protected and paved Summit Trail takes approximately 20 minutes and is also suitable for less experienced hikers.
Description of the trail: Below the Wendelstein Church the trail leads to the left of the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporate building and continues around hairpin bends and up steps to an altitude of 1,838 metres. Eight information boards along the scenic circular hiking trail provide information about the formation of the Alps.
You can either follow the same route back to the mountain station or take the Panoramic Trail through attractive alpine scenery (sure-footedness + hiking boots required!) This route branches off just below the Wendelstein summit and continues past an attractive picnic spot on what is know as the Eastern Summit back to the mountain station. Once back at the mountain station, it is certainly worth making a short detour into Germany’s highest show cave and taking a look in the Wendelstein Church .
Signposted, hiking time approx. 40 minutes