Visibility: 100 km
Mostly cloudy
Total snow height: 73 cm Messstation Soin
Mountain - 12°C
Valley 0 °C
heute 13.01.25 in Betrieb, Berg- und Talfahrten ab 9:15 Uhr halbstündlich, letzte Talfahrt 16:00 Uhr, Tel. +49 (0) 8023 / 782. Rückerstattung der Parkgebühr bei Kauf eines Bergbahntickets
heute 13.01.25 in Betrieb, Bergfahrten 10:00 /12:00 und 14:00 Uhr, Talfahrten 10:55 / 13:25 letzte Talfahrt 16:00 Uhr, Tel.: +49 (0) 8034 / 308-110. Parkplatz kostenlos. Lademöglichkeit für E-Autos.
offen, Tel.: 08023/404
geschlossen, Gaststätte zu verpachten unter Tel. 08034/3080
geschlossen, Schneemangel
geschlossen, Schneemangel
other Information:
Bitte stets Tagesfahrplan beachten, täglich neu ab ca. 8:30 Uhr.
Skiabfahrten wegen Schneemangel geschlossen
Avalanche Situation:
Some 100 years ago, the cog railway was the first mechanical lift system in Bavaria to transport winter sports fans to the small but very fine natural ski arena on the Wendelstein.
The same applies today as it did back then: anyone who wants to ski on the Wendelstein should relish sporting challenges. Novice skiers will find it challenging as everyone has to head off from the mountain station down the Hotel run (1a) – a short section of black run. The 5 km-long, medium-difficult red West run (2a + b) leads past the Mountain Rescue hut, via the Wendelsteiner-Almen down to the valley station of the cable car in Osterhofen-Bayrischzell.
The two drag lifts - the Bockstein lift and Lacher lift - in the basin of the Wendelsteiner-Almen - serve two medium-difficult red runs 800 (4) and 1,200 metres (3) long. The Lacher lift also serves the challenging 3.8 km-long black East run (1b) to the Mitteralm. This is the most popular descent with locals and ‘insiders’ and is a veritable pleasure even for experienced skiers. A shuttle cog railway train returns you in 8 minutes from the Mitteralm (1,200 m) request stop to the mountain station. The main East run ends in Aipl (request stop, 980 m).